Thursday, September 4, 2014

Nycresistance Interview (made with Spreaker)


  1. Locario... is contesting that 'good-looking dude' is not actually fucking the woman he takes home... the same could be said for the ugly guys who supposedly get laid using game.

  2. Locario likes to talk over the one guy who is smart enough to debate him. And wants him to "wait wait wait wait" and interrupt him.

  3. Ok... what about Louie?... he has all the confidence in the world, and has struggles with women... explain please... where oh where, are all these fat, ugly guys who are pulling hot chicks with 'game'??... this is the mantra of PUA... or dating advice. No reality, no way to improve. I USED to think and believe that looks don't matter to women... but it's just a myth brought to you by the media.
