Daryle Lamont Jenkins is a professional internet stalker and slanderer. A person many in antifa follow. Perpetuating victimhood mentality selling the narrative that everyone who isn't for socialism, marxism, communism is by default a white supremacist. The type of intellectual dishonesty that you come to expect from those on the left.
Aside from the fact that calling everyone you don't agree with a nazi can be considered anti semitic since it marginalizes Jewish people who lost anyone in the holocaust. In fact by referring to anyone who isn't a racist just makes light of how disgusting that time was. I dare to call a micro aggression towards Jewish people?
The argument can be made that he is just an internet beggar selling fear for profit. trying to sell that racism is so prevalent that there has been zero progress when it comes to race relations. It is real sad that a person like this exist. He acts like how Fox news and most news organizations acted after 9/11.The funny thing is why hasn't he ever spoke about the nazis in his closet? Daryle writes for an outfit called Political research associates. Political Research Associates (PRA) is a left-wing nonprofit organization which attempts to discredit mainstream center-right views by tarring them as extremist and bigoted.
;It has an annual budget of less than $1 million, foundations. - https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/political-research-associates/
Why hasn't Daryle not spoken out on this and renounced receiving donations from a corporation that got its funding from literal nazis? So if David duke paid his car note and if Richard Spencer paid his rent he would be Gucci with them? I think he would.
Now lets talk about how he is okay with one of his allies being aggressive and abusive towards women.
Last summer Portland Protest Organizer Lilith Sinclair accused Luis Marquez of abusing women on her now defunct twitter account when she posted this meme with these tweets
Community Safety Alert RE: Local “Leftist” Luis-Enrique Marquez. @/luistheleftist
For the safety of you & others, if you see this man attempting to lead ANYTHING on the streets:
Do not follow, listen to, or trust him or his analysis.
Here’s a long overdue thread on why:
My first personal experiences of harm from Luis started during the #OccupyICE Movement borne in #PDX two years ago.
I was a newbie to the scene after battling 2 years of mental illness and suicidal urges that kept me benched from going to Standing Rock & elsewhere.
The 2nd day I came to Multnomah Camp was on about day 5 or 6 of the occupation. It’d started while I was outta town. That Wed night I got back. I went to 1 vigil & decided that now was the moment for me to dive in after working on my mental health/stability. I set up a tent Sat.
That Saturday, I was walking around, getting my bearings, asking anyone and everyone how I could help. Specifically looking for directly affected peoples (immigrants, asylum seekers, bipoc being targeted b/c of Drumpfs rhetoric.) Luis invited me to a “BIPOC only” meeting. I went.
While I liked some of the language Luis said (he speaks like an abolitionist when it suits him), I also noticed he kept talking over this Latinx woman who was speaking about sustainability, care, demands, needs etc. It was glaringly obvious he saw himself as in a leadership role
Over the next few days, as I proved my efficiency, my interest in listening to LatinX and South American voices as a priority, my multitasking skills, & my comfortability being on the front lines, he acted buddy buddy with me.
Even slinging his arm over my shoulder unasked.
I got asked to help with the security shifts by a few people & it felt like a natural role as a martial artist and self defense teacher as well as my experience being on alert for EVERYTHING b/c of growing up in Baltimore, then in yt rich neighborhoods, & always watching men.
After successfully helping, Luis stormed up to me aggressively one day demanding I identify myself & prove I wasn’t a cop and demanding I explain why or how I deserved to be friends with some people or working on some projects. I later learned he wasn’t even managing any of that.
A few folks defended me. Including the political prisoner Im now power of attorney for who actually WAS helping coordinate security and other things. (Okay, one sec, that prisoner just called me and I gotta add money to his account rn)
Okay, we resume. This needs to be shorter because my anxiety is fucking *Spiking* cause I ALWAYS get cop jacketed and attacked in my DMs for talking about male abusers cause so many people (men) love an excuse to blindly follow someone who tells them to hit people...
So basically, Luis was hella aggressive to me when people started to respect me for my work and ethics and I stopped listening to Luis. I was a young bb & nobody bothered to put a leash on that fucking dog so he convinced me to tell him my legal name & the strip club i worked at.
All of this to prove I was a cop. I was a young organizer, and stupid. And because Luis intimidates people so well, and things were so hectic at occupy, I thought I had to. So I did.
He stopped targeting me for like 48 hours. Over the next few weeks:
-I got doxxed by a leftist twitter associated w/ Luis.
-Probably a dozen people came up to me to tell me how he’d made them feel intimidated, physically unsafe, or had belittled them.
-He continued to escalate young anarchists to violence
-He told ppl I was a cop/fed
-He posted my (& that Latinx woman I mentioned earlier) names and faces and told everyone to abandon camp because it had been “sold out to cops” by two black/brown femmes.
-Then he came back to camp & tried to call multiple meetings & give orders
AND THEN, still in 7 weeks:
- He spit on and assaulted a non-binary person who called him a hypocrite. And then after Luis spit on them Luis was called a misogynist. Then he swung on that person.
-He lies & said that person was racist despite multiple witnesses affirming otherwise.
-A meeting was called and by consensus it was decided that he wouldn’t be allowed back b/c of all these things.
Months later he copjacketed me across the country through antifascist networks he was involved in.
People who knew him yelled at & physically assaulted me @ an action
There’s more to his years long history of abuse in the local scene (including stories of sexual/emotional assault from an ex) & more.
Luis hits the streets to fight people, order others around, & grift on people when he’s targeted for sometimes punching Fash but mostly trolling
He targets young, new, inexperienced protestors & paints himself as a leader. He uses their lack of connection to manipulate them into serving his own agenda. He encourages escalating.
But he ran away from the cops last night literally pushing people & yelling at them to run.
Luis is another stereotypical abusive leftist male who glorifies violence, punches fash for the clout, preys on young women/femmes, and weaponizes his time “on the street” against folks who haven’t had to opportunity to do so yet.
He is a danger to our community. Avoid ALWAYS.
I got added to a group chat of women/femmes who’d experienced direct harm from him sometime in late January. We were trying to coordinate a PSA like this but then the pandemic & uprisings hit...
I won’t tell their stories. But anyone who wants to tell their own below, feel free. - http://braingarbagedystopie.blogspot.com/2020/08/wherestherevolt-re-lilith-sinclair.html
more here http://braingarbagedystopie.blogspot.com/2020/07/lilith-sinclair-outs-pdx-abuser-leftist.htmlHws Daryle denounced his friends actions no he actually has done podcasts with him
Bottomline Daryle is hypocrite zand is just in it for the paycheck. Not a true believer. just another scammer that i have come across many times in my time in political activism.
Be better Daryle.
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